Houston - Performance, Tracking, and Allocation

Under a grant from the Transportation and Community and System Preservation (TCSP), the City of Houston engaged the ESC to develop a land development model and performance tracking system to monitor growth along the City's Main Street Corridor. The goals of the system were threefold: 1) provide a system that measures the performance of the corridor with regards to community goals and values; 2) track change as it occurs, and 3) allocate future-year growth to where it is likely to occur. The system, dubbed the Performance/ Tracking/Allocation (P/T/A) system, consists of two parts: the P/T/A Land Development Model and the P/T/A Performance Report Card.

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Kona - Community Development Plan

The ESC, along with ACP Visioning and Planning and Wilson Okamoto Associates, was selected to produce a Community Development Plan (CDP) for North and South Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii.  The CDP takes the County's General Plan and recommends specific locations and guidelines for growth, as well as capital improvement recommendations and a sustainable "green infrastructure" plan that creates ecological and cultural linkages across the landscape.

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