John Jay College Condemnation Trial

Prepared as evidence for a legal proceeding, the ESC developed an HTML presentation that detailed a huge amount of information visually, intuitively and completely directed by the user. 

The materials were designed to support a condemnation proceeding and were prepared to show how a single property compared to 39 other properties based on dozens of variables including items ranging from the floor area to the character of the neighborhood.  Because the materials would be used by a wide audience, including both professionals and novices, the ESC chose HTML and Java technologies that required users to have very basic requirements (Internet Explorer and Windows) to view and explore at their own pace and direction. 

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Kona - Community Development Plan

The ESC, along with ACP Visioning and Planning and Wilson Okamoto Associates, was selected to produce a Community Development Plan (CDP) for North and South Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii.  The CDP takes the County's General Plan and recommends specific locations and guidelines for growth, as well as capital improvement recommendations and a sustainable "green infrastructure" plan that creates ecological and cultural linkages across the landscape.

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