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Tishman Speyer Visibility Analysis
Client: Tishman Speyer
New York, NY
Greene Street Visualization of Building Addition in the SoHo Historic District for Landmark Preservation Commission Review
Client: Richard Cooke Associates
New York, NY
Number Seven Subway Line Extension EIS: 3D/GIS, Land-use Analysis, Shadows, Urban Design and Neighborhood Character Section
Client: New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority
New York City, NY
Lower Manhattan/World Trade Center Redevelopment: 3D/GIS Database
Client: The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey/Lower Manhattan Development Corp.
New York City, NY
OKI Land Use, Regional Visioning Process, GIS Mapping Study
Client: Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Council of Governments
Cincinnati, OH
Village of Great Neck Plaza, Planning and Visualization Study
Client: The Village of Great Neck Plaza Inc., Office of the Mayor
Great Neck, NY
Greenwich Street South Urban Design Plan
Client: Lower Manhattan Development Corporation
New York, NY